Our Residents




That didn’t last long. Ayet quickly learned to hold her own and make the others back off.

Gana can usually be found either climbing up on whatever she can reach (including laps) or wresting with her sister, Ayet.


Quick and curious, Luna is always the first of the trio to check out anything new and interesting.
Her extreme curiosity means she is likely to grab clothes, hair and anything else that crosses her path.


These guys have been here less than a week, so we are still getting to know them as they are settling in to life at the Refuge.

Mina wants to be friendly, but is still a little nervous. We hope that soon she will learn that some people are trustworthy.

Like Mina, you can tell he wants to be friendly, but he needs time to learn to trust.

When treat time comes she tends to be pushed out of the way by her braver packmates, but doesn’t let that stop her. She is determined to get her fair share.

Bianca is a high content, Arctic wolf mix. She came to us as a puppy after a fairly serious leg injury. In fact if you see her you can see where the leg was broken. That doesn’t slow her down at all though. She still speeds through the habitat at amazing speeds.
She likes to put her mouth on everything, including my boots while I am still wearing them.

Rags is a sweet, exuberant mid-content boy. His previous owner thought she was getting a husky. mix (well I guess technically he is) and didn’t realize he was part wolf until she took him to the vet. Sadly they weren’t legal where she lived.
He is a loving, adorable handful of a pup, who likes launching himself on our backs and playing tug with our clothes.

When you go to visit Lilith, take her treats and pet her and she will love you forever.

Fin loves visitors, and loves people, but is really attached to Lilith, where she goes he follows.

Allie is the mom of the females in the Sherman pack. She came to us a couple of years later, but has been a wonderful addition to the ridge.
Allie is a sweet, loving girl, though she isn’t crazy about other animals (except Rex.) She loves treats and will stay still for you to pet her for however many hours you want to sit there with her.

Rex is the father to the female pups in the Sherman pack. He is a gentle giant. A huge, happy, black boy he is the biggest goofball on this mountain.
While super shy of strangers, if he trusts you he will get as close to you as he can. I’ve been stuck in there many times as he sits on my lap or pins me up against a tree trying to get as close as he can for pets.

Nymeria is a shy, but sweet girl. She is related to Luna, Ru and the rest of that litter. She was found wandering the streets before coming to Refuge Ridge.
She is both cautious, and very curious. Oftentimes she can’t decide if she wants to be nervous or brave. She loves to play with her packmate and will err on the side of brave if treats are involved.

Lobo absolutely adored his previous owner. Sadly his previous person was older and passed away. Lobo started off as a bit of a scaredy cat, but now is just a big pushy boy. He is very vocal and doesn’t hesitate to tell us when we aren’t moving fast enough to feed him or give him his treats.
He and Nymeria adore each other and can often be seen playing.

Luci came from the local shelter. She is a lower content animal, and loves everyone. She is always so excited to see visitors and has quickly become adored by all of our volunteers at Refuge Ridge.

Allerina was one of the Alaskan 4. Four mid content wolfdogs relocated by the Guardians of the Wolves from a small Alaskan Island. The product of a pet dog and a wild wolf, they were unfortunately illegal in Alaska and her owners were forced to give her up. Now Rina resides at Refuge Ridge, where she is a happy, playful and slightly spoiled animal.